Invitation to CERUSI Transnational Policy Forum N°2
“To strengthen social innovation and social entrepreneurship in rural areas throughout Europe.” 

Thursday, 16 December 2021, 03:00 - 5:00 P.M.

The aim of CERUSI (Central European Rural Social Innovation) is to strengthen social innovation andsocial entrepreneurship in rural areas throughout Europe. The Transnational Policy Forum bringstogether regional policy stakeholders from Central Europe to discuss challenges and objectives of ruraldevelopment and the potentials of social innovation.

The TFP will present two approaches to rural development, introducing first the Long Term Vision forrural development by the European Commission, that was developed with the aim to make rural Europestronger, connected, resilient and prosperous. Furthermore, we have invited a representative of theSmart Rural 21 project that works to promote and inspire villages to develop and implement smart villageapproaches and more connected strategies across Europe. Based on these inputs we want to gatherideas on how social innovations can contribute to the different aspects of these two rural developmentapproaches and their different dimensions.

Details about the programme

To participate please register HERE, no later than 14. 12. 2021