CIVINET Czech and Slovak Webinar:
LOW-CARB's Good practice transfer in sustainable urban mobility


The Czech and Slovak CIVINETs, together with the City of Litomerice Transport Research Centre and Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation presented at a LOW-CARB webinar. The online meeting focused on a transfer of good practices of planning for low carbon mobility derived from the LOW-CARB project. The webinar was held in the local langauge Czech, to further reach non-english-speaking central Europeans in their plight to low-carbon mobility. This is a part of LOW-CARB's aims of facilitating and leapfrogging central European local governments to carbon neutral mobility by providing them with resources and trainings in their local languages. 
The webinar was attended by 23 people inclusive of presenters and participants, and recieved overwhelming scores of satisifaction in a feedback survey. 

Pictured from left to right: Saydrina Govender (Rupprecht Consult), Adriana Frková (City of Litoměřice), Michal Bajgart (CDV), Kateřina Nedvědová (City of Brno), Jana Kočková (CDV), Michal Šindelář (Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation), Marlene Damerau (Rupprecht Consult), Daniel Szabó (CDV), Ana-Maria Baston (Rupprecht Consult), Michal Černý (City of Litoměřice), and Alena Klímová (CDV).


1. Agenda

2. Presentations and Recording

Available only on request. Please contact

Last updated on 10.02.2021