Ecomuseum House of Batana
ICT-Workshop, 9th June 2018
Workshop on creative industries, and information and communication technologies (ICT) at the Ecomuseum "House of Batana".

A unique walk through Rovinj, 26th May 2018
"Storytelling as a vehicle of transmitting #Intangible Cultural Heritage - a resource for innovative tourist offers"
The first part of the workshop consisted of a heritage walk along the shore of Rovinj old town. While the second part, held at Ecomuseum Batana, included a lecture about Heritage Interpretation. More than 20 participants took part in the unique walk through Santa Croce Street reviving Rovinj’s past, which included warm personal stories of Anna Delia Quarantotto, the best authority on Rovinj.
The specific tips of Iva Silla (Kazivačica - Storyteller) for designing and successfully performing quality interpretation tours, enthusiastic participants in the practical part of the workshop, excellent mood for get together and a wonderful sunny day - all this is just a summary of a very successful second Culturecovery workshop that was organized by Batana Eco-museum!