Focus IN CD at the Annual Conference of Croatian Psychologists
Nov 7-10th 2018, the 26th Annual Conference of Croatian Psychologists with international participation was held in Sv. Martin on Mura (North Croatia) with main topic -"Quality of Life - Challenges and Recommendations".
Marina Milinović, the President of CD Society from Rijeka and Ivana Frančula, clinical psychologist (University Hospital Rijeka) have joined lecture "Psycho-social functioning of celiac patients and presentation of the EU project Focus IN CD".
The emphasis of the lecture was on the need to establish multidisciplinary monitoring of celiac patients due to the lack of full care and the absence of psychological support for the patient and their families in area of Croatia.
Focus in CD project was presented through lecture and also with dissemination activity which was provided by Primorje Gorsky Kotar County .