Final seminar and stakeholders training in the Wałbrzych pilot area
17. 7. 2019
The final seminar gathered several participants representing the local and regional authorities, private investors, designers and developers of SGE installations, academia, NGOs, media and general public. The associated partner of the project – the municipality of Wałbrzych, had a significant contribution to the seminar with the presentations on the current status of thermal energy supply as well as inclusion of SGE technologies in the local development plans and energy strategy.
The main objective of the seminar was to present the main outputs of GeoPLASMA-CE, including contribution to sustainable development of shallow geothermal energy in the agglomeration of Wałbrzych and deployment of SGE installations to spatial heating and cooling. The presentations delivered by the experts from the PGI-NRI referred to the suitability maps of SGE potential and other thematic maps resulting from the project. The speakers emphasized the benefits of SGE technologies including their contribution to reduction of use of the fossil fuels and low emissions, air quality improvement, fulfilment of EU and international energy and climate regulations as well as transformation towards decarbonized economy of the region.
The event was complemented with the training session during which the functionality of the GeoPLASMA-CE web portal was presented. Each participant had a possibility of hands-on experience with the maps of geothermal suitability for the Wałbrzych area.