Pilot in Germany
The Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH had initially 3 pilot actions to implement which consisted of the purchase of 4 pedelecs and 1 cargo bike, the construction of 5 bike boxes and the establishment of a booking and fleet management system.
Even though the Aufbauwerk purchases the equipment, the idea is that the employees of the Office for Traffic Planning and Road Construction use these bikes. This has been agreed in a rental agreement. The office takes care of the Leipzig road network, the footpath and the bicycle traffic system and also the road system for the motor vehicle traffic. Therefore, the Office for Traffic Planning and Road Construction is the best leading-actor in the pilot action for Leipzig.
The main target group for these pilot actions are the employees of the Office for Traffic Planning and Road Construction of the City of Leipzig (up to 270 employees), which received the permission to use these bikes as defined in the rental and cooperation agreement between the Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH and the City of Leipzig. It could be proven by a survey that about 70% of respondents (employees) use public transport or bicycles. Therefore, the measures aimed at supporting this positive trend.

With the implementation of these pilot actions it was planned to test if employees would use a sustainable mean of transport, such as e-bikes, for business trips and commuting if the use of this transport is offered for free and located near their working place. The measures are indicated in Action plan in Workplace mobility plan of Leipzig.
Read more HERE.