Pilot in Slovakia
Pilot Action is the bike point at the train and bus station in Banská Bystrica. The bike point is supposed to serve mainly for commuters and general public who are coming to and out from the city by train or bus. A well-equipped shelter shall serve as a model solution (no comparable bike point with high quality standards exists in the city nor in the region so far).
From the usability point of view, the bike point is located in very appropriate place to demonstrate utilization of non-motorized transportation – main bus station and railway are in its proximity. Thus, the bike parking point contributes to better infrastructure for commuters from the surroundings of the city. In addition, it is just next to newly built shopping center, what makes the space even more suitable for demonstration as far not only travelers/commuters pass&see it but also inhabitants of the city who are visiting the shopping moll (and are coming mostly by car).

The construction of the bike point has been completed by end of May 2019, and it was received by very positive reaction from the public and future users.
The final technical solution of the bike point includes: 18 lockable spaces for bikes, out of this 12 in bike boxes equipped with e-bike chargers and 6 roofed bike stands; 10 boxes for helmets and other smaller luggage self-service stand and informational map of town and its walkability.
The broader objective of the pilot action is to contribute to development of the infrastructure for more sustainable mobility in the city of Banska Bystrica. The infrastructure for biking in the city is so far only very limited. On the other side the demand from the public increases as the city suffers from traffic jams and lack of parking space. Thus, the pilot action is part of the strategy to motivate people to switch from cars to other transport modes. By placing the modern bike point in the frequently used location, the pilot project will constitute an important contribution to gradually built infrastructure for better mobility in the City of Banska Bystrica.
More about this pilot you can read HERE and HERE the investment description.