Please find the results of the second SIforREF project phase below:
- Report describing the implemented activity in each city involved for each city (Deliverable D.T2.1.1)
VIENNA | BERLIN | LJUBLIJANA | BOLOGNA | PARMA - Transnational report giving evidence of the implemented activities at transnational level (Deliverable D.T2.2.1)
- Evaluation report of the training activity at city level according to a set of key indicators previously agreed by the INTEGRAS partners (Deliverable D.T2.3.1)
- Evaluation report of the training activity at transnational level according to a set of key indicators previously greed by the SIforREF partners (Deliverable D.T2.3.2)
- Open guidelines to be refined after the pilot implementation (Deliverable D.T2.4.1)