CC-ARP-CE Toolbox

The goal of the project TEACHER-CE was to develop an integrated Toolbox focusing on a climate-proof management of water related issues that builds on already established tools in this context. The toolbox was designed to make municipalities and regions in Central Europe (CE) more resilient to extreme weather events (including climate change) and avoid negative impacts on ecosystems and land use. The aim of TEACHER-CE toolbox is also to have a specific role as a central online platform to support stakeholders for the integrated consideration of different fields of action of the water management sector that are affected by CC (climate change).

The development of the CC-ARP-CE Toolbox started through an overview of different (transferable) tools of former projects developed for municipalities as well as regional and national authorities to better manage the impacts of climate change and weather extremes like heavy rain, droughts and floods and to make different kinds of land use more sustainable. These projects used different approaches and methodologies for integration and implementation of their outputs. They provided best-practice solutions for different geographical and regional settings and for different specific extreme events and fields of action. The purpose of these tools ranges from guidance documents to intraoperative applications (decision support tools). The tools were examined in terms of their climate robustness. This addressed the question of whether and how uncertainties regarding climate change scenarios are considered in the tools. In addition, a scoping study on the impacts of climate change on water management components was conducted based on existing studies and findings. The study provided an important knowledge base for the specification of the climate change assessment features that are part of the TEACHER-CE toolbox.

The toolbox has been developed as an online platform and validated in pilot activities with the aim to support stakeholders of water management in integrated strategies and actions for climate change adaptation and prevention/reduction of associated risks. We have recognized the need for and positioning of the toolbox in the area where it can help integrate cross-use strategies for specific catchment (i.e. size of the TEACHER-CE pilot actions) where interests of different user groups meet and confront the challenges related to the climate change adaptation process in the water management sector. The result of using this tool is a comprehensive overview of the water related issues and proposed selection of corresponding measures, including the assessment of the impact of CC and the reference to the national water management tools. This will support the development of river management plans and the integration of Green Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions in specific river basins.

The toolbox provides the following features:


Add new issues: locate the issue in the map and describe it according to Fields of action, Category and Risk assessment.

--> evaluate measures - user can evaluate the proposed measures and select the most relevant ones. If the user is not sure about selection, he can first use the feature “Ranking and catalogue of measure”, where with the help of AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process) method one can browse through the measures which will be prioritized according to the relevant choice.

--> view climate indicators - user can check the climate indicators computed at NUTS level which are relevant for the selected Field of action and are shown sorted by importance.

Browse through existing issue: Issues are seen on the map as well as in the table below the map; the issues are searchable. The image of the icon represents the Field of action and the colour represents the category.

Comment an issue proposed by other user: Issues are seen on the map as well as in the table below the map – user can click on the issue and comment. Report of the specific issue will include all the selected measures.


The map shows expected variations in climate indicators, potentially due to climate change. Climate indicators are used as proxies for impacts that could affect water management in Central Europe. Downloading data beyond the median values at NUTS level (grid points provided by EURO-CORDEX simulations), is available to experienced users by contacting the administrator.


Browse through tools from connected EU projects and other EU Projects in the water management.


Browse through 163 measures. Measures are shown according to filters and selection of weights of criteria (cost, multi-functionality, robustness, duration and complexity of implementation) using AHP method. The result is the selection from a catalogue of measures, leading to the identification of the most appropriate measures to support decision makers in water management.


A navigational platform provides a transparent overview of the existing national and EU tools (GIS tools and data portals) accessible through the CC-ARP-CE. The links are categorized on national level and by Fields of action in water management.

The Toolbox can be found at: http://teacher.apps.vokas.si/

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