The Step by Step Guide for public authorities to reach the nZEB standards of public buildings

Written by Eurac Research

Improving energy efficiency in public buildings is at the core of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD). 

The eCentral project aims to support key stakeholders in the energy renovation of public buildings, to promote the benefits of nZEBs – nearly zero energy buildings, and to deploy innovative financing schemes.

The Step by step guide on how to turn public buildings into nZEB standard aims to support public authorities to identify and manage the renovation process with a particular focus on eCentral project's countries (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Italy). 
The guide will serve as an easy-to-follow guide on how to start nZEB renovation projects. It identifies the main important phases of the renovation process, from the early stage of the project development, through the design and construction phase, up to the service life of the buildings.
The guide will be used to organize the renovation process and schedule, for each step, the necessary action, stakeholders, and verification procedures that should be done. 

In particular, the present guide aims to facilitate the renovation of public buildings, boosting the investments in a solid and standardized process managed by the public know-how. 
In relation to the professional (technical) and economic know-how of the public authorities and final needs, different approaches can be chosen to (i) develop the project design, (ii) organize the construction phase, and (iii) manage the service life of the building.
The level of involvement of each stakeholder from public authorities, building experts (architects, engineers, constructors) or energy/development agencies, ESCOs, SMEs - equipment manufacturers, financing institutions, can be different case by case.


Check the step by step guide here.
The guide is also available in five national versions, with specific regulations of the project partners countries:
AT  > HR  > HU  > IT SI