2nd Core team training for Kielce and Košice
Mentoring partner E-zavod (SLO) and Core teams from Kielce (PL) and Košice (SK) region held the second training workshop in Rijeka (HR), on October 19 2017.
The first part of the workshop was on sharing of experiences from the city of Maribor (SLO). Relevant members of Smart City Maribor network, Mateja Koler, Matjaž Fras and Anja Prislan, presented urban innovation programs and projects implemented in Maribor.
After presentations from stakeholders, Matjaž Gerl presented useful source of funding of urban innovation projects in cities, namely Urban Innovative Actions. Partners of Maribor won at the second call with the project Urbansoil4food (proposal developed by eZavod), so experiences with successful application to the programme where shared with participants.
The afternoon part of the training was organized by eZavod and Municipality of Maribor and moderated by Matjaž Gerl (eZavod) and was organized as a participatory workshop where Vision Factory participatory method were tested. Core teams were asked to define key challenge and work with it while being guided through the process – defining forces, stakeholders and innovative measures to meet the challenge.
The result was a poster with problem-solution scheme, which was presented by trying-out One-shot-video tool. eZavod set-up a closed LinkedIN group ‘Urban Innovation CE’ where results of the workshop will be published and further discussed.
2nd core team training for Kielce (PL) and Košice (SK) region
Vision Factory - Team 1
Vision Factory - Team 2
Vision Factory - Team 3
Representatives of Smart City Maribor network