The first mentoring workshop for the Core team Rijeka was held in Karlsruhe, Germany, on May 16 and 17, 2017, at the site of the URBAN INNO Inno mentoring partner CyberForum.
Rijeka Core team was set up in accordance to the methodology and Mapping of the Urban Ecosystem, and in accordance of the common interest of the project partners City of Rijeka and Ericsson Nikola Tesla, gathered around the Smart city concept. Rijeka Core team was represented by Boris Krstanović (Multilink d.o.o.), Vedran Kružić (Sense savjetovanje d.o.o.), Suzana Belošević Romac and Tina Ragužin (City of Rijeka).
Mentoring team consisted of the representatives of the CyberForum e.V. Tamara Hoegler and the representatives of the Economic Development Department of the City of Karlsruhe.
After the introduction and the presentation of the URBAN INNO project, Mr Steffen Buhl from the Economic Development Department of the City of Karlsruhe presented their activities, putting focus on the Smarter City Karlsruhe, an initiative lead by the City of Karlsruhe which uses networked activities to develop new business models and flagship initiatives which increase the innovating powers of businesses and aim to highlight Karlsruhe as a business location for the future. Presented points of interest, activities and results demonstrate the best practices that the Core team Rijeka could use in the development of the strategy of development for the 4UI cluster in Rijeka. Also, an interesting project which was initialized in Karlsruhe, Smart Quarter Karlsruhe, was presented, for which the Rijeka Core team expressed interest to get more details at the 2nd Rijeka Core team training.
Ms Tamara Hoegler from CyberForum e.V. presented Technologieregion Karlsruhe and CyberForum. After the introduction about the Karslruhe region, very interesting presentation and interactive mentoring was held about the CyberForum cluster, its organisation, mission, vision and activities. Representatives of Rijeka Core team showed a lot of interest into the organisation of the cluster, the services for the members, cluster activities as well as cluster financing. From her long experience, Ms Hoegler explained what makes a successful cluster, as well as how to achieve stakeholders’ commitment, and, the most important issue, how to establish a successful cluster - from financial sustainability, development of services for members to the mistakes that need to be avoided.
The next training workshop for Rijeka Core team will be held by September 2017.
Rijeka Core team with Tamara Hoegler (CyberForum)