Marco Combetto from Informatica Trentina made an interactive and interesting presentation about the successful example from Trento.
Particular attention was placed on the theme of the Trentino Innovation cluster in the field of Industry 4.0, the governance, the financial resources and operational practices that are settled up. More specifically, the mentoring session discussed the implementation methods of ProM laboratory, a crucial part of the innovation cluster, planned to be operational in early 2017, with its set of “additive” industrial devices that intends to make available to companies/businesses that are part of the cluster. Beyond that, the session focused the types of companies that have joined up to now the Trentino Industry 4.0 cluster and the participation advantage (eg. IPR sharing, Professional resources available and opportunity to recruit high quality people) and the sustainability measures were mentioned. In spite of the fact, some differences appeared, we managed to agree on a Trento visit in the beginning of spring (May 2017) with the aim of visiting the Trentino cluster and having also some meeting with crucial persons over there, like for example some company cluster representatives. Some details, like hosting partners, exact timing will be discussed later.
Relating to the Data center and Big data, the mentoring session focused the Trentino’s objective to create a unique data center for the public Trentino system and the close connection of the issue with cloud computing and of the virtualized management of computational capacity and of a dynamic and efficient storage infrastructure. It was discussed about potential open source platform for this type of infrastructure used in large data centers (e.g. OpenStack at CERN), and about the EU FIWARE project that provides, beside a simple cloud infrastructure (, also the building software blocks (middleware) needed for the creation of modular software architectures in easy ways. There was also a small discussion on requrements of separation between computational algorithms and hw/sw resources through virtualization techniques, open source and/or proprietary (Virtual Box, Vm Ware, Microsoft).
Finally the mentoring session discussed, starting from the so-called „Cloud Multimedia“, the implications related to the availability not only of large enough storage resources, but also the requirement to have a very high-speed network ( > 1000 Mbit/s upload) for implement an effective upload of information, originated for example by the Hungarian Astronomical Observatory in the city. Some issues have to be considered, for instance, cloud services linked to the additive manufacturing, data transfer criteria and confidentiality elements.
From the Hungarian side, the University was represented, also an ICT company, a representative of a large manufacturer in automotive industry, and a business intermediary. The Lead Partner of Smart Factory Hub, a project financed under Danube program, also took part in the meeting and was invited to make a small presentation of the Factory Hub project in order to evaluate possible synergies. There was a mutual intention to achieve some cross-fertilization goals in a later phase, after that project activities are kicked-off.