Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE improves capacities for regional development in innovation, reduction of carbon dioxide, the protection of natural and cultural resources as well as transport and mobility. With our funding, we support transnational cooperation like yeast supports baking. We are the small but important ingredient that helps innovative yet isolated ideas grow: into jointly developed, tested and accepted solutions for a better central Europe.
In 2019 the operational evaluation of our programme was concluded. External experts assessed the effectiveness and efficiency of the programme management system and related structures to detect potential weaknesses. They concluded that the programme is managed smoothly and well on track with planned activities and established targets. In March 2019, three calls were closed and a fourth call opened.
Within these first three calls, 129 projects were selected from a total of 1.020 applications.
“CENTRAL EUROPE is ahead of most Interreg programmes, when it comes to the
effectiveness and efficiency of programme management”.
- European Commission (quote from the evaluation report)
Million ERDF
projects funded
of funds allocated
"The current evaluation leads to some minor suggestions on how to further improve programme
management, project cycle and progress and achievement of results, given the overall highly positive
performance of the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme in all aspects. Considering the advanced
implementation of the programme, most recommendations refer already to the next programming period
rather than the current programme."
- Spatial Foresight, t33 (External Evaluators)