5th Project Team Meeting in Milan
The fifth Project Coordination Team meeting was held in the middle of the project on the 24th and 25th of March in Milan.

The fifth Project Coordination Team meeting was held in the middle of the project on the 24th and 25th of March in Milan. Due to its correspondence with such a significant project milestone (the project midterm), the meeting was the occasion for the partners to share the progress made and, furthermore, to have common discussions on procedures and modalities for undertaking next project steps and for planning the forthcoming working months. Some working groups activities and open discussions helped to reach the scope. The project partners have been working on the ICT platform and the training linked to this platform, while going ahead with the Communication and the Management of the project’s activities.

An outline on the last year’s activities has been presented as well as a general forecast for the final activities of the project. Key aspects such as the benefits, the obtained results, the contributions as well as the next steps to follow were stressed.

ACT presented the regional face-to-face training. As for now, the educational materials for the local face-to-face training are under preparation. Once ready, the materials of each local course will be uploaded on the platform. All local trainings (held in local language) must be realized by the end of October 2019 in order to be ready for the master class training which will be organized in Croatia on the 28th and 29th of November. Three WISEs managers will be invited by each country to the final training. Their workers will be obviously involved in these trainings without specific criteria regarding their selection.

The Master Class training in Croatia will be delivered during 2 days, 6 hours of workshops each and will be attended by 15 participants from 3 different countries. This class will target motivated and proactive English-speaking participants.

The WISEs involved in the trainings will also be part of the Platform’s testing phase. ITC Cluster presented the ongoing progress on the platform conception. The platform editorial group of project partners is appointed to finalize the platform development and its tools.
FPM talked about the conception of the MOOC. The MOOC’s structure is conceived with a part devoted to content, an interactive part and resources and specification of exams/certifications. It focuses on two topics: business innovation and marketing and will be co-produced by Prof. Natasa Golik Klanac and Prof. Lucio Lamberti. The MOOC is going to include ten video clips within it, eight videos will propose a general framework based on marketing strategy and two will focus on tools such as a search engine which will be linked to marketing, optimization and social networks.

In the evening, the project partners gathered in the restaurant “La Buona Bottega” for dinner. The restaurant is a project, managed by Chico Mendes Altromercato which is a non-profit fair-trade cooperative. Buona Bottega offers a wide selection of 100% controlled and guaranteed food, from the farms to the tables. Chico Mendes Altromercato is also one of the WISEs which will participate in the INNO-WISEs platform pilot action phase. Chico Mendes Altromercato represents the largest fair-trade organization in Lombardy in 2017. This WISE promotes not only a sustainable economy, but also an ethical and responsible one, in a way that it respects people and protects the environment.

The second day of the meeting focused on the pilot action evaluation and the evaluation of trainings, which provide questionnaires on the ICT platform for WISEs. It also aimed at the progress of the communication activities and the strategy. Finally, FPM has taken stock of the situation about the quality management of the project.
This two-day meeting was full of enriching exchanges that will help the project partners to reach all the project’s objectives. The next project team meeting will take place in Trento on the 17th and the 18th of June.