School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica at the 9th Days of Social Economy
05.12.2018 - Ljubljana, Slovenia

A member of SASS presented the progress of the project and invited potential WISEs to participate in the pilot phase during the Social Economy Days. The 9th Days of Social Economy took place on the 5th December in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and was organised by SKUP and ŠENT. The organiser, ŠENT, invited SASS. During this event, the progress of the project activities was presented with the special emphasis on the role of pilot actions in enhancing managerial and technological skills of WISEs involved.
The presentation of the project enhanced the awareness of the important applicative dimensions of INNO-WISEs’ activities for WISEs among general public, authorities and different stakeholders. Between 50 and 100 persons attended this event, among them, local and regional public authorities, interest group including NGO, higher education and research entities, SMEs, sectoral agency and business support organisation.
Additional WISEs were invited to participate in the pilot actions, while also the awareness of the need of specific skills and knowledge among WISE to achieve better performance in the market was increased. The report of the presentation and the photos were published online on SASS’s website and also on the general page of the project. The target groups were reached also via the Facebook page. The project was promoted in situ among different stakeholders and the general public.