Healthy Air Info Day in Žilina
AIR TRITIA team members introduced the project which has been monitoring the air quality not only in Žilina but also in selected cities in Poland and Czech Republic already for over a year. The slogan of the event was “How can I contribute to the healthier air”.

Sunny weather attracted to the A. Hlinka square adults together with children. The greatest success had educational show “Smokeman in action”, in which Jiří Horák (from VŠB-TUO Ostrava) alias Smokeman showed in a playful and experimental form to the students, children and even to adults, how to heat properly. Children were directly involved in his scientific experiments. Participants could measure their lung volume, see with their own eyes, what causes combustion of waste (especially combustion of plastics), further on an illustrative example of the process of photosynthesis in the aquarium and many other experiments.

Mega bubbles were another attraction, which succeeded especially among the youngest participants.

A colleague from VŠB-TUO Ostrava also participated in Healthy Air Info Day. He contributed with created air pollution model. Colleagues from Žilina city and from SOLEZ and CityWalk projects participated in Healthy Air Info Day, as well.

The participants had fun, learned something new and some of them won interesting prizes in a raffle.