Internship on CSIA (Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes) analysis and application

Project partners and associated participants were trained on CSIA (Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes) analysis and application during the workshop that was on 13th of October 2017 at Polytechnic University of Milan premise – in CSIA Laboratory “Fondazione Filarete” building. 

Following discussions during the first part of the project as well as the improvements with regards CSIA knowledge after the first training activity, it was shown this time with more details the basis of sampling, analytical procedures and implementation of such tool in order to consolidate stable isotopes and CSIA knowledge among PPS. With this second training, the most important impact and benefit was consolidation of knowledge about CSIA.

The first training session was planned early at the beginning of the project in order to give all PPs all information needed with regards CSIA with the hope that each PP would become as much as possible trained before applying CSIA tools to their case and pilot actions. During this second training session, most of the produced data so far were seen in details and discussed among all participant PPs in order to build knowledge, consciousness and practical aspects for further CSIA applications, not only to the following part of the projects but also in the near future. In this direction, one of the biggest goals from this training was the transnational visibility of different type of results with regards CSIA and stable isotopes.