Zagreb (Croatia) – May the 10th 2018

The Bhenefit project, aim and methodology, was presented at the Zagreb Energy Week 2018 with a special focus on Decision Support System (DSS) which will be implemented in City of Karlovac and which will be BIM-based and related to existing GIS platform of City of Karlovac.

Croatia Green Building Council organized GREEN TALKS Symposium whose purpose was to educate and inform the general public about the green construction, its principles as well as the possibilities of saving energy, preserving the environment, managing various natural resources such as water, forests, renewable energy sources and the like, all for the purpose of implementing them in future projects. The main topics of GREEN TALKS 2018 were: "Energy Renewal of Buildings and nZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings)" and “Through BIM (Building Information Modeling) to Energy Efficiency”.

The event was mainly visited by experts from the fields of architecture, urbanism, construction and mechanical engineering. The aim was to see the examples of solutions and technologies for application in nZEB and BIM, which are the possibilities of increasing energy efficiency in buildings in a way that will stimulate and increase the use of BIM during the life cycle of the building. The use of BIM will enable the building's energy properties to be increased by using different materials in the process of the main project and in the process of energy (renewal) projects. BIM is a process that encompasses the entire lifecycle of a building, from the design phase, through construction, management, maintenance and demolition.