National Start-Up 
Stakeholders Workshop in Germany

Another online meeting under serie of the National Start-Up Stakeholders Workshops is being organised by boDEREC-CE German partners.

Online Workshop has been called „Organische Spurenstoffe in Mitteleuropa – Herkunft, Monitoring, Trinkwasserrelevanz“ is held on 24th Ferbuary 2021. 

During the last years, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been increasingly found in the aquatic environment. The boDEREC-CE project aims to identify orgins and transport of PPCPs to establish harmonised European evaluation methods and reduction concepts in order to establish a decision support system for waterworks.

Presentations will focus on monitoring and modelling as well as on the stakeholder’s practical experiences.

Our team warmly invite German stakeholders to join the event.
by Chris Montgomery @unsplash
Workshop Invitation and agenda (in Germany)