National Start-Up
Stakeholders Workshop in Germany
Another online meeting under serie of the National Start-Up Stakeholders Workshops is being organised by boDEREC-CE German partners.
Online Workshop has been called „Organische Spurenstoffe in Mitteleuropa – Herkunft, Monitoring, Trinkwasserrelevanz“ is held on 24th Ferbuary 2021.
During the last years, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been increasingly found in the aquatic environment. The boDEREC-CE project aims to identify orgins and transport of PPCPs to establish harmonised European evaluation methods and reduction concepts in order to establish a decision support system for waterworks.
Presentations will focus on monitoring and modelling as well as on the stakeholder’s practical experiences.
- Our team warmly invite German stakeholders to join the event.

- Workshop Invitation and agenda (in Germany)