On the 7th of July 2021 PROFACTOR in cooperation with GMAR invited to the TIN Tech & Trend Dialogue on Artificial Intelligence at the lake Constance in Germany.
The “Lake Constance Talks” have been a great opportunity to gather policy actors, researchers & industry representatives together and to discuss hot topics of artificial intelligence in connection with automation & robotics, sustainability, energy and robotics.
The “Lake Constance Talks” where organized in three main parts. In the thirst phase of the day several speeches and presentation on “Disruption in the Construction Industry”, “Robotics in Construction & EU Project CONCERT” and “With Artificial Intelligence to an efficient 6 sustainable Human-Robot Collaboration in production” were held. The morning session was rounded and finalized by Nico Riemann form the Bavarian Research Alliance and his presentation on “Digitalization and Sustainability: European Funding of Automation, AI & Robotics”.
After the highly comprehensive and intensive morning session, which gave numerous inputs of status quo technology and all the potential to shape the future industries & economy of central Europe, the second part was organized in two round table discussions moderated by PROFACTOR and JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS on “Sustainable Production” and “The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence”. This gave the chance to figure out new trends but also big question marks which allows us to continue researching and to develop the future.
Lastly, the last session’s highlights have been the penal discussion lead by Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik on the topic of “The Role of Networks for Sustainable Production” and the Outdoor-Performance by Mattro GmbH.