18 November 2019, Udine
The beautiful city of Udine was the host of the second project meeting of all partners with the project Steering Committee meeting held as part of the activities. Representatives of all partners attended and the host, City of Udine, made sure to give everybody a warm welcome. The meeting was held at the lovely Ambassador Palace Hotel in the city center within walking distance of all major sights Udine offers.

In the meeting, work package leaders presented activities that already took place and announced upcoming activities, while emphasis was also given to the project reporting and the items still needed to fulfill it.
As part of the meeting we also heard a guest lecture about good practice examples in a similar project, project GREEN CYCLE, which is part of INTERREG Alpine space Programme. To talk about the project, Mr. Marco Combetto was invited and he gave a motivating and insightful presentation of the project, drawing many parallels to CITYCIRCLE and the possibilities that could be used in implementation.
In conclusion, it was agreed that the next project meeting will be held in Austria, on a date to be announced later, but no later than the first week of March.
The CITYCIRCLE project team had a great time in Udine, team members got to know each other better with some new faces present for the first time and we are all looking forward to next phases in implementation as well as the next project meeting in (hopefully snowy) Austria.