Project Coordination Meeting
At the end of November 2020 a two-day Project Coordination Meeting 3 took place which was summarizing last 6 months of DEEPWATER-CE project activities. Partners met online to discuss current achievements and plans for the future.
Project partners have succeeded in active operation of DEEPWATER CE forum in LinkedIn - Virtual Square - which is an online platform that brings together our stakeholders. We post there comprehensive achievements of the project. You can join Virtual Square via panel page:
Despite COVID19 pandemic situation project partners also managed to carry out two series of trainings on Managed Aquifer Recharge in all partner countries (Hungary, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Croatia). The first session was focused on MAR principles, collection of good practices and benchmark analysis, and the second one on decision support toolbox for selecting MAR locations including selection criteria and checklists. Videos from the webinars and the trainings documents are included in the training section of this website. Project activities in the pilot areas are developing rapidly as mentioned in Newsletter 3.
During the meeting, the preliminary results concerning pilot sites selection based on approved general and specific mapping criteria (D.T3.1.2) and the set of relevant GIS data (D.T3.1.3) were presented. The results will be published soon in the form of maps of the regions covered by these analyses showing suitable and unsuitable areas.
During the meeting the finalized report about common methodology on feasibility studies of MAR projects was presented which would be implemented and verified in the pilot sites (D.T3.2.5). The feasibility study methodology developed within DEEPWATER CE project is available for downloading in “DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS” section.
Project management issues and plans as well as project communication package referring to our project homepage and social media, were discussed.
Due to problematic situation caused by COVID-19, unfortunately, personal meetings with stakeholders were impossible and the communication with stakeholders was managed online. To tackle this situation we have prepared a detailed action plan for the next working period.
We hope that the New Year 2021 will be a prosperous year for all of us and we will be able to implement our plans. And finally we hope to meet interested people in pilot areas to present our work directly in the field!