ECRR: Project meeting
Concept of the Route and Terms of Reference
On 9th and 10th of May 2017 the project Partnership met in Plzen (Czech Republic) to hold the Steering Committe meeting and to agree on two main deliverables and pillars of the future Cultural Route, the Concept of the Route and its Terms of Reference.
The Concept of the Route includes a section on European Cultural Routes and their added value; the official definition of Reformation-themed cultural heritage; the overall objectives of the Reformation Cultural Route as well as a discussion of existing types of Cultural Routes and their content, to determine the character of the Reformation Cultural Route. In addition to that it contains the list of Terms of Reference; a “Roadmap” for the establishement of the Cultural Route; a description of the foreseen stakeholder involvement process and finalizes with the expected main benefits of the Reformation-themed Cultural Route for both, members and visitors.
The Terms of Reference contain, selection criteria for potential components, parts, of the Route. These criteria are divided into essential and desirable. In addition to that a rough description of the selection process of the sites and Points of Interest will be depicted.
As soon as these deliverables are completed, they will be made available for all of you on this website.