The first BarCamp in Bydgoszcz, February 2019
The last period of the project is full of interesting communication activities. Special interactive workshops - BarCamps are also expected in all countries engaged. The first BarCamp took place in Bydgoszcz, Poland, in February 2019 – it was exciting time full of positive energy and innovative ideas.

Students participating in the project discussed the optimization of energy in schools. The meeting was informal. Students in groups have tried to exchange knowledge and experiences on how to save energy and protect the climate.

The international form of running the workshop appealed to Bydgoszcz youth. They actively participated in exercises leading expert, who came to Bydgoszcz from the United States. This form of cooperation was to serve the exchange of experience and knowledge and stimulate creativity. The expert during the exercises tried to make participants aware of the role of energy in their daily lives and what can contribute to saving her at home and school.
Help Earth get to the surface.
What to do? Do not charge your phone at school. Turn off unused electronic equipment. Turn off the light - open the blinds! Change the bulbs to energy efficient. Install light switches controlled by movement.
Light replacement
The youth involved in the project as Senior and Junior Energy Guardians presented their own ideas on how to encourage their friends to save energy.