FIRECE: Conference "New Opportunities for SME's"
31st October in Legnica, Poland
Project partner RDA ARLEG took part in the conference „NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR SME’s organised by the Legnica Special Economic Zone in Letia Business Center in Legnica (Poland) on 31st October 2019. The conference was addressed to small and medium enterprises and aimed at providing them with information on available forms of support and possibilities of financing investment projects.
The main objective of the participation in the event was to raise awareness of SME’s (target group of the project) on financing instruments and increase their attention how to finance investments related to energy saving. The presence of representatives of the Legnica Special Economic Zone as a business organization supporting the development of companies within the automotive and aviation clusters provided an opportunity to identify SME’s with energy investments plans and establish contacts with them for future collaboration in pilot action 2. It was also an occasion for networking- during the coffee break and after the conference - with representatives of SME’s – one of target groups of the project.