Final Conference

Final Conference cancelled!

Due to the current developments in the Coronavirus outbreak, the RAINMAN Final Conference planned for 6 May 2020 is cancelled. The organisers and project partners strive to organise a corresponding final event at a later date. We will publish updated information here as soon as possible.

06. May 2020, Dresden, Germany

Since heavy rain events can usually occur suddenly and have devastating consequences, everyone is required to deal with this topic at an early stage in order to be prepared for the “unexpected case”. The RAINMAN project has dealt with exactly this issue in a three-year process. In cooperation with practical partners, methods and instruments for dealing with heavy rain risks were developed and tested. The methods and findings will be compiled in the RAINMAN-Toolbox and will be available online for everyone.

These results now need to be shared and translated into policy and practice. In order to keep damage as low as possible, awareness of the hazards and risks of heavy rain events must increase and knowledge must be transferred with a view to finding suitable solutions. We believe that we can only succeed in this process together! With this in mind, we would like to invite you to join us on board and invite you to the final conference of the RAINMAN project.

Get to know the RAINMAN-Toolbox, meet representatives of municipalities, science and policy experts to highlight and discuss:

  • Challenges and opportunities of heavy rain risk management,
  • Available instruments and measures for heavy rain risk reduction and awareness raising.

Share your experiences in interactive sessions, get to know our best-practice cases and take home new ideas and skills to reduce risks!

The project’s final conference will take place on 6th May 2020 in Dresden, Germany. The conference is organised by all RAINMAN partners under the coordination of the Saxony Ministry of the Interior. Shortly, invitation and registration forms as well as the agenda will be available at the RAINMAN website. The event will be held in English and German.

The RAINMAN partnership would be pleased to welcome you at this event. Please make a note of the date now and feel free to spread the event to potentially interested persons! We look forward to discussing the implementation of heavy rain risk management with you and to presenting the main results of the project, in particular the RAINMAN-Toolbox! 

RAINMAN-Flyer-Final-Conference-EN , RAINMAN-Flyer-Final-Conference-DE

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