Forget Heritage classes to the UNIGE Master

The class will be part of the 1st level Master programme in "Entrepreneurship in the creative sector per cultural heritage, particularly focus on UNESCO assets", promoted by the University of Genoa, Department of Economics, in collaboration with Culture and Creativity local stakeholders, among which the Municipality of Genoa.

The Master aims to generate entrepreneurial skills in the sectors of cultural heritage and creative industries in order to allow students to acquire not only knowledge, but also skills and abilities that can be quickly spent in the professional context. This both through self-entrepreneurship, and by bringing capacity for the development and implementation of new business initiatives and ideas.whithin companies and institutions 

The Master intends to train a cultural heritage operator capable of undertaking initiatives with a cultural and artistic content, of generating value and of providing economic sustainability for the management of a cultural asset.

Hereafter the link (in Italian) to the Master official page and to the related flyer.
The Forget Heritage class will be on Tuesday 9 October, in the afternoon.