"La Sagra del classico" (The fair of Classics)

At 19th of October 2018 Stradanuova Teatro Auditorium organised an opening event with a great show. The first presentation of the “La Sagra del Classico” (The classical fair), a format specially designed for Stradanuova, that will involve the public, deconstructing the great classics of literature.  

The space is reborn in last months, under the European project Forget Heritage with the the cultural Association Interno19.The Strada Nuova Auditorium changed its name and now it’s the Stradanuova Teatro Auditorium, a space that will host (acting and not only!) workshops, shows, concerts and much more, all in the name of comedy!

The show had a great success, the theater capacity what means 228 seats was completely full! This show, that had an encore performance on Saturday night, is the first one of a series named "La Sagra del classico" (The fair of Classics). Since a lot of fairs exists,even the fair of the fairs, but a fair of the Odyssey, of Hamlet, of the great classics of literature, theater, cinema and of art there are not, a show that, with the atmosphere of the popular fairs, opens a channel of comic storytelling on classic was created.

The fairs becomes the place of sharing history, able to bring together a public hungry for sociality and culture, to involve it, through the story of the deeds of classic heroes. With them, through laughter,the re-narration of the actuality is brought on the scenes.

You can find here some short videos from the event: