Local Info Day - Pécs, Hugary

Forget Heritage project was presented as a Local Info Day on the 22nd May 2019 at Pécs, Hungary. The event was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs- Baranya, where several events were joined together. Besides the Forget Heritage Interreg CE project, there was another project presented, name of Cult-CreaTe project (Interreg Europe), which focused on creative tourism. In addition to presenting the two projects, there was a book presentation, which was the University of Pécs new international cookbook.

At the presentation of Forget Heritage, Ms. Judit Medvey talked about the following points:

  • Successful models and solutions
  • Introducing the Forget Heritage project
  • Heritage management in practice - results of the project pilot actions
  • OffSpace application to involve locals
  • National examples and objectives

The event was successfully completed, various contacts were connected, and the project was interesting for the participants.

LID Pécs
LID Pécs
LID Pécs
LID Pécs
LID Pécs
LID Pécs