Local Info Day - Pécs, Hugary
Forget Heritage project was presented as a Local Info Day on the 22nd May 2019 at Pécs, Hungary. The event was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs- Baranya, where several events were joined together. Besides the Forget Heritage Interreg CE project, there was another project presented, name of Cult-CreaTe project (Interreg Europe), which focused on creative tourism. In addition to presenting the two projects, there was a book presentation, which was the University of Pécs new international cookbook.
At the presentation of Forget Heritage, Ms. Judit Medvey talked about the following points:
- Successful models and solutions
- Introducing the Forget Heritage project
- Heritage management in practice - results of the project pilot actions
- OffSpace application to involve locals
- National examples and objectives
The event was successfully completed, various contacts were connected, and the project was interesting for the participants.