International Conference on Integrated Problem-Solving Approaches to Ensure Schoolchildren’s Health
Air pollution is a major environmental health risk in both cities and rural areas. Indoor air quality is of paramount importance as people spend most of their time indoors. Primary school students, one of the most vulnerable groups, spend approximately 6-8 h daily in school buildings, thus the quality of the indoor air plays a key role in children’s health and well-being.
We proudly announce the “International Conference on Integrated Problem-Solving Approaches to Ensure Schoolchildren’s Health” which is organized in Budapest, in the frame of the InAirQ project (Transnational Adaption Actions for Integrated Indoor Air Quality Management) funded by INTERREG Central Europe. With this conference we would like to discuss the impacts of different aspects of the environment, especially the built environment, on the health and well-being of schoolchildren and to highlight the importance of stakeholders, scientists and decision makers. Furthermore, we would like to continue the awareness raising on the importance of indoor air quality guidelines and legislations discussed in detail during the International Conference on Risk Assessment of Indoor Air Chemicals last year in Berlin, Germany.
The topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:
- Air pollutant concentrations indoors and outdoors
- Health effects, risk assessment
- Human biomonitoring
- Exposure control strategies, practices
- Architecture, design
- Communication, policy
We are looking forward to meeting you in Budapest, Hungary on the 23-24 May 2019!
– The InAirQ project team
Please register here for the International Conference on Integrated Problem-Solving Approaches to Ensure Schoolchildren’s Health. Registration closes on the 15th May 2019. There is no registration fee for the conference. For any further question, please contact the conference secretariat by e-mail to
The Program of the International conference is available here.
For further information you can visit this webpage:
Conference Venue
The conference will be held at Danubius Hotel Flamenco**** in Budapest. Address: Tas vezér u. 3-7, H-1113 Budapest, Hungary
We recommend using public transportation when traveling to the conference venue. When you reach Móricz Zsigmond körtér (metro M4; tram 17, 19, 47, 48, 49, 56 and bus 7) or Kosztolányi Dezső tér (tram 17, 19, 47, 48, 49, 56 and bus 7), there is only a 5-10 min walk to the conference venue.
Call for abstracts
Poster abstracts are welcomed. Contributions will be selected based on the reviews and recommendations of the scientific committee for the poster exhibition. The committee reserves the right to reject or accept contributions.
Poster abstracts will be accepted until the 15th May 2019. Please find here the template. Abstracts should be submitted to Review will occur on an ongoing basis. The size of the e-poster: 720 mm × 1280 mm (width × height).
Scientific committee for the poster presentation
- Irina Zastenskaya - World Health Organization
- Corinne Mandin - Scientific and Technical Center for Building, France
- Éva Csobod - Regional Environmental Center, Hungary
- Péter Rudnai - National Public Health Center, Hungary
Plenary speakers of the conference
- Anirudh Sharma (Graviky Labs Pvt. Ltd., United States of America)
- Claire Dassonville (Scientific and Technical Center for Building, France)
- Dorota Jarosinska (WHO European Centre for Environment and Health)
- Éva Csobod (Regional Environmental Center, Hungary)
- Maria Uhl (Environmental Agency Austria, Austria)
WHO Regional Office for Europe workshop
The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe is organizing a workshop on the “Assessment of combined exposure to hazardous chemicals in indoor air in public settings for children” on the 24th May afternoon (13:45 – 16:30). The workshop is led by Irina Zastenskaya and it covers some lectures, practical exercises and discussions. The participation at the workshop is dedicated to public health experts. The number of participants is limited to 40 people. If you want to participate at the workshop, please send an e-mail to until to the 17th May 2019.
Art exhibition
The National Public Health Center has launched a competition for primary schoolchildren with the topic of clean air. Drawings, photos, posters and videos are welcomed either from individuals or from classes. The best works will be exhibited during the conference.
Exhibitors and supporters
This meeting brings together researchers, public health experts and decision makers in the field of environment and human health. There is an opportunity to become an exhibitor or supporter. There are limited number of exhibit tables. For further information, please send an e-mail to
The official language of the conference is English.