Final conference

24.03.22, Corda Campus Hasselt - Belgium 
(live stream available for registered participants)

Creative economy enables change. Digitization, circular economy, renewable energies, artificial intelligence: Industry is currently experiencing the emergence of another transformation cycle. These new production modes and mindsets not only have economic consequences but also affect society. To enable Central Europe´s traditional industrial regions to take on this challenge, there is need for both: economic innovation and societal development. The cultural and creative industries (CCI) can be a core driving force on both levels of this transition.

Industrial regions and CCI have barely discovered each other yet. Cultural and creative workers often prefering urbanity above industrial settings. At the same time, nonmetropolitan regions do hold specific location assets for attracting CCI, e.g. real production, vacant old-industrial sites, personal networks.

The EU-project InduCCI explored the potential of CCI for non-metropolitan industrial regions. We used the past 3 years for finding answers to questions like: How can CCI support production companies in their innovation processes? How can this empower industrial societies? How can industry-relevant entrepreneurial skills of CCI be boosted, and how can pull factors for attracting CCI be promoted?

We – a partnership of 8 Central European regions – are announcing our final conference and the publishing of the InduCCI results. We will not only acquaint you, the expert public, with our dedicated policy strategies on regional and EU level, and the tried and tested administration training and pilot actions. Beyond that, we have highlevel external speakers and panellists with us who will reflect on our findings against their experiences.

The conference will be organised in a hybrid form. Limited physical seats are available in Corda Campus Hasselt (mainly reserved for project partners and their delegations). Live interactive online participation is possible for registered participants. The video recording of the event will be published later. The live event will be organised in accordance with the official covid-19 regulations in place at the time. The conference language is English; participation is free of charge.

Please register your live / digital participation before the 20th of March on

Invitation Final Conference (Program)