Kickoff Meeting
In June the brand new InduCCI partnership met for the first time! An interesting programme filled with brainstorm sessions, thematic workshops, and study visits throughout Padova has inspired all of us to initiate the project in our home regions!
Jointly Discovering InduCCI
Participants interacted for discovering their joint knowledge on CCI in industrial regions. While sharing personal and professional connections to the topic, a joint (post) project ambition was defined.
First Thematic Sharing on CCI Policies and Actors as well as practical measures in Partner Regions
Partners were challenged to give short inputs on the local situation. All these best practices will be collected in summary papers, serving as a basis for the partnership to further develop the pilot actions and regional strategies.
Brainstorm communication strategy
Based on the project ambitions and inspired by the experiences of the first two days of the partnership meeting, the partnership engaged in a brainstorm about how to communicate InduCCI to the world: What channels to use and what key messages should be spread? Which methods are suited for these purposes? Which visuals will attract our audience?
Practice input:
Guided tour to M9 museum
M9 is a museum and experience centre set up by companies and the public reflecting on the industrial past of Mestre using CCI approaches; a guided tour gave insights into its design and carrying structure.
CCI initiatives revitalising the industrial zone of Venice-Port
Thanks to a project of a visionary cultural startup, financed by ERDF and industrial entrepreneurs the only remaining cooling tower of Marghera has been revamped and it’s now a successful living lab: VHT, Venezia Heritage Tower
CCI cooperating with conventional industry - Visit to companies
Paradigma Padova -
Drawlight, Noventa Oltre Brenta -