More than Colour into Grey -The Role of Cultural and Creative Communities in Transforming Industrial Regions

19/11/2020 - Midterm Conference, online

We, the InduCCI partnership, warmly invite you to join our conference on 19/11 for getting to know first InduCCI results and corresponding external practices. You can look forward to an inspiring key note, focussed input and open discussion formats for a vivid exchange among the participants. 

Europe enables: Working together in InduCCI contributed to Chemnitz – conference host and project lead partner – being awarded “European Capital of Culture 2025”. As also InduCCI advocates, Chemnitz convinced with a maker-approach based on creative engineering as well as linking regional engagement with European exchange. We will look into these relations in the conference panel discussion in the afternoon.



9.00 - 9.50

Opening Key Note & Panel:
"From Coal Mining via Automotive to Today: The Roles of Culture, Creativity and Europe in Limburg´s Transformations"
Speaker: Wim Dries (Mayor of Genk, BE)

Further panel guests: Josephine Hage (Creative Saxony, DE), Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo (Ca' Foscari University, Venice, IT)

10.00 - 10.50Focus session 1:
“GOOD GOVERNANCE, STRATEGIC THINKING AND HEALTHY TRUST - framework requirements for thriving CCI in industrial regions”
11.00 - 11.50Focus session 2:
“MEET ON NEW LEVELLED GROUNDS - New innovation spaces through collaborating CCI and producing industry”
12.00 - 12.50Focus session 3:
“INDUSTRY AND 21 CT. SOCIETIES - The role of CCI for pro-active transformation of European industrial communities”
14.30 – 15.30Podium discussion
(speakers t.b.a.)

Registration via the conference website

Participation is free of charge. With registering, you get granted access not only to the conference venue on 19/11 but immediately to the virtual exhibition space which will be enlarged step by step in the run-up to the conference.