Information and exchange event for actors involved in visitor information of the UNESCO World Heritage component part Beech Forest Grumsin 

On Saturday the 15th of August 2020, an information and exchange event for actors that are involved in informing and guiding visitors to the UNESCO World Heritage component part Beech Forest Grumsin was held in Angermünde (Germany). The meeting was organised and moderated by Lena Strixner representing the BEECH POWER Interreg project at the City Administration of Angermünde.

The Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin as official management institution of the World Heritage component part Beech Forest Grumsin, the Angermünde Tourism Association as well as the City Administration of Angermünde including the BEECH POWER-project informed the participants about newest developments regarding the Beech Forest Grumsin.

Invited participants were representatives of local organisations such as Naturwacht (ranger service), NABU information center Blumberger Mühle, Altkünkendorf Infopunkt and certified nature guides of the area. Further the event provided the opportunity to exchange about experiences with the visitors and to collect ideas for improvements. 

The event is a pilot marketing activity by the City of Angermünde within the BEECH POWER-project addressing the creation of functioning communication and cooperation among all concerned stakeholders as well as secure that they are able to provide quality information to the visitors.

Participants gave the feedback that such a dialogue event should be scheduled on a regular yearly basis. In the end, all in all 23 people attended this event and joined a lively discussion about the state and the direction of their local natural heritage. The event ended with a joint dinner and the dialogue was carried on in a more informal setting completing an overall successful activity.