LAirA Conference and Workshop on Improving Landside Accessibility of Airports in Central Europe
In the framework of the Interreg Central Europe project LAirA (Landside Airport Accessibility), we would be delighted to invite you to a free event on the planning of landside accessibility of airports. The event will take place in Vienna, between September 30 and October 1st.
The event will specifically focus on the multimodal, smart and low carbon mobility integration of airports into the mobility systems of functional urban areas.
It includes an interactive workshop and a conference. The event will provide an insight into the LAirA project outcomes and their role in strengthening the landside accessibility of airports in Central Europe. It will also be an opportunity for participants to engage with mobility experts coming from airports (Vienna International Airport), public authorities (Municipality of 18th District of Budapest), airlines (Austrian Airlines) and other key stakeholders in the mobility sector.
Save the date and come join us to discuss the latest trends in e-mobility, shared mobility, active mobility, air-rail links, wayfinding and much more! Register here!
IMPORTANT: The event is free of charge, but the number of places is limited. The registration does not guarantee your participation in the event. After the registration, you will receive within a few days via e-mail a confirmation of your participation in the event. Only this confirmation allows you to attend the event.
A draft agenda of the event and more practical information are available here.