Milano Digital Week: Workshop on Digitalization for Social Enterprise
On the 14th of March, some project partners went at the Milano Digital Week to host a workshop on digitalization for social enterprise. Together with Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Gruppo Cooperativo CGM and ENSIE have debated the opportunities for WISEs (Work Integration Social Enterprises) to gain skills in using WISP (Work Integration Social Platform) and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) as innovative tools to foster their process towards digital competitiveness and the market.

The event, organized by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and Gruppo CooperativoCGM, presented the opportunities, thanks to the project, for WISEs – Work Integration Social Enterprises - to acquire skills in the use of WISP - Work Integration Social Platform - and MOOCs - Massive Open Online Course - as innovative tools to promote their process towards competitiveness and the digital market.
The main objectives of the workshop were to give an overview of the work done after one and half of project implementation, to collect solicitations from the participants to better define the content of tools to be developed in the progress of the project and the enlarge the discussion to a wider public, being the event organized in the Politecnico di Milano spaces.

The speakers introduced the issues and stimulate the decision on the topic of innovation, social enterprise, trainings and open knowledge; on the other side the public participated actively in the debate by providing new ideas for the continuation of the project.
The INNO-WISEs project partners, Cristina Collini – Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Sabina Bellione - Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Patrizia Bussi- ENSIE and the expert of MOOC, Susanna Sancassani – Politecnico di Milano, METID were the speakers and Flaviano Zandondai - Gruppo Cooperativo CGM the chairman.