Participation and contribution to multiplier conferences in 2018
2018, Central Europe
In 2018, INNO-WISEs project partners took part in five multiplier conferences. Discover all about these conferences.
#1 APRIL: Workshop – Project SEMPRE (Fondazione Politecnico di Milano & Gruppo Cooperativo CGM)

FPM and CGM participated in a workshop organised by the project SEMPRE funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Programme. This workshop took place on 19 April 2018 in Florence. The Lead Project partner of SEMPRE invited INNO-WISEs project partners to participate to their workshop day which was inserted in a few days’ project study visit in Italy. The Lead Partner of project SEMPRE got in touch with the Joint Secretariat of Interreg Central Europe and invited INNO-WISEs to participate to their workshop. Learn more.
#2 SEPTEMBER: The Social Enterprise World Forum 2018 (Insitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar)

IPI attended the Social Enterprise World Forum 2018 in Glasgow (UK). During this conference, two members of IPI presented the paper they wrote, a scientific publication used to reach education entities and operational entities. IPI submitted the abstract of their research paper and they were accepted. Read more.
#3 OCTOBER: 10th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society (ITIS2018) (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica)

SASS presented INNO-WISEs project in the framework of 10th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society (ITIS2018). This conference took place on 24-26 October in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. The organising team of the ITIS2018 who organised the presentations of the different projects covering the theme invited SASS “Interreg Capitalisation Session: Digital innovation for the Danube region and beyond”. Read more.
#4 NOVEMBER: Social Enteprises & Digital Inclusion (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises)

During a conference in Vienna, ENSIE hosted a round table on the subject “Digital skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises: filling the gap”. Arbeit plus, ENSIE and the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union organised the joint conference on “Social Enterprises and digital inclusion: participation in the social and digital world”. The event took place in the 16th of November 2018. Read more.
#5 DECEMBER: 9th Days of Social Economy (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica)

A member of SASS presented the progress of the project and invited potential WISEs to participate in the pilot phase during the Social Economy Days. The 9th Days of Social Economy took place on the 5th December in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and was organised by SKUP and ŠENT. The organiser, ŠENT, invited SASS. During this event, the progress of the project activities was presented with the special emphasis on the role of pilot actions in enhancing managerial and technological skills of WISEs involved. Read more.