Public transport as a driver of the energy transition in the transport sector

12 October 2021, 14:30 - 16:00 (CET)

In contrast to the decrease in CO2 emissions in other sectors, transport emissions have remained nearly constant or have even increased. It is widely known that a systemic transformation of the transport sector is needed by introducing policies and mechanisms that: reduce traffic, increase the share of environmentally-friendly modes of transport and improve vehicle technology. Public transport has a key role to play here by making trips more efficient and by supporting the green electrification of vehicles and use of alternative fuels. However, the question of how public transport can actively contribute to increasing the share of renewable energy in electric public transport operations is not widely discussed.

In this session, we will present responses to this question based on planning strategies and the pilot results of the Interreg CE EfficienCE project as a part of the European Week of Regions and Cities event. 

Join us and register HERE.

Agenda is available HERE.