SACHE World Café Events: Communication, trust and networking!

In the initiation phase of the project a series of SACHE World Café events was organized by the project partners. The aim of the events was to gather information and suggestions on how to improve the cooperation between the Cultural and Creative Industries.

Most of the participants of all partner events have agreed that they see many benefits a cooperation between the enterprises and cultural assets. Evolving trainings, building trust between each other and establishing, widening relationships is essential for excellent cooperation between the both sectors. The key challenge is communication and information flow which can be enhanced for both sides. Sharing information, different workshops, capacity building events and training could help to overcome obstacles and build trust between partners and establish more cooperating relationships. 

The importance of communication was highlighted in every area, as it can be also a source of the problems. It is not easy nowadays with lots of information, and digital technologies to keep up with the new trends, follow every innovation and participate in events, keep up with the quickly changing world. Companies would like to make the best of their own, and their CEOs has no time to participate in different events, discussions. The cooperation possibility, the possible partner has to have prestige, has to offer something valuable, which makes the other party interested in collaboration.  

As companies and cultural assets have to make it on their own, each one of them is really protective of their intellectual and asset properties. To build the trust between each other is the most important in case of collaboration. This means that the main goals of working together are the same, the viewpoints are the same as well, and if there is a problem it is communicated properly from both sides.

With this attitude both parties can gain advantages from this cooperation, have a successful relationship. It can boost their business opportunities, widen their relationships, and apply successfully together for projects as well. 

The participants of events have expressed the wish for more frequent networking meetings of both groups. They fully support the initiative of the SACHE project to accelerate creative entrepreneurship within and around cultural heritage and agreed to participate at educational, networking and awareness raising events.

 The success of the events was evident in few days, since first cooperation agreements were concluded between the participants.