Pilot testing: Slovakia, Prešov region
The main objective of the meetings was to collect feedback of partners on the model progression and discuss over set of criteria prepared in order to improve the matchmaking formula to be embedded in the matchmaking tool. These criteria were to be then tested with aim for the identification, shortlisting and selection of the best-matching prospective successors in SME’s.
On November 12th 2018, Innovation Partnership Centre with the help of the Lead Partner, University of Economics in Bratislava organized a stakeholder meeting aimed at the Pilot testing of the Business succession model that is being developed in cooperation with other project partners.
The project partners' meeting took place in the form of moderated round table debates, attended by 17 experts from both the private and the public spheres, representatives of local authorities, private companies and educational institutions.
The event was aimed at identifying the basic principles and the most effective measures (including advisory, financial services, public support and private assistance) for knowledge related to business succession and transfer. Priority was given to the so-called Business Succession Model, which is a basic starting point for deciding successors who have the ambition to take leadership in family businesses and the other way around, senior company owners, who are looking for ways how to keep the company functioning after their retirement.
The second meeting was organized on November 13th 2018. The main objective of the meeting was to collect feedback of partners on the model progression and discuss over set of criteria prepared in order to improve the matchmaking formula to be embedded in the matchmaking tool. These criteria were to be then tested with aim for the identification, shortlisting and selection of the best-matching prospective successors in SME’s.
A total of 25 participants were present in panel discussions, representing self-governing regions, business associations and private companies, sharing their valuable experiences and know-how to support the development of the idea of business succession and ownership transfer in Central Europe.