The enchanted medieval city, Vittorio Veneto surrounded with rolling hills, the spirit of nature and history hosted the 2nd partner meeting of StimulArt.
The afternoon of the partners’ arrival day was dedicated to discussing the topical communication and project management issues such as the progress the partners had made in the Gap analyses reporting and good practice identification activities. The partnership also got familiar with the proposed methodology of the upcoming tasks in the duly launched WP2, mainly that of the CCI mapping, as the fore-room of CCI strategy making.
The following day was an enjoyable mixture of learning about the local cultural riches of Vittorio Veneto and meeting the masters of creative industries at large- and small-scales: the partnership visited an eco-friendly textile printing company and an artistic handcraft workshop from the jewellery sector, respectively. The last day was devoted to capacity building: the representatives of the project partners in two separate thematic workshops partook at three training sessions, conducted by Regensburg University. The lessons learnt at the thematic sessions are subject of adaptation for the local trainings to be delivered at the next stakeholder meetings and also useful fruits for thought for all participants.
The three-day Vittorio Veneto partner meeting was packed with cultural thrill as well as learning experience, lots of inspiration to take home to the partner cities.