Steering Committee meets online

23th April 2020

Due to the COVID-19 prevention measures, most project partners of BEECH POWER have been obliged to change their work plans and activities. To reduce the negative effects on the implementation of the project and support each partner in finding alternative ways to continue their tasks, the Steering Committee of the project is organising regular online meetings.

Taking Steering Committee meetings to the virtual realm has been agreed upon by the partnership since the very start of the project. Nevertheless, to adapt to the current circumstances, the Steering Committee has increased the frequency of its online meetings. As the partnership of BEECH POWER is located in five Central European countries, these meetings allowed participants to update each other about the national measures taken due to the current pandemic and ensure that the transnational team feels connected.

The ability for the Steering Committee to come together online provides a good opportunity to identify the next steps and review the tasks to be carried out by all the partners in 2020.

PSC meeting