Monday 2 October, h 10-16, at MOM Cultural Center, Csörsz utca 18., Budapest, 1124

Psychology and climate change? Smart meters and marketing? Innobuildings 2017 conference connected these topics that may seem remotely connceted for the first time. In 2016 seven Central European countries decided to launch the Interreg CE Together project to cooperate and reduce together the energy consumption of their public buildings. They attempt to reach their goals without major investment and retrofitting, using the latest scientific methodes from the field of behavioural sciences. As the project is reaching its half time the seven partners shared the latest results of their pilots and discussed the related topics with the help of recognised lecturers from Hungary and elsewhere. This exciting day took place on the 2nd of October, 2017 at the MOM Cultural Center. 

Click here to read the press realease about the event

Click here to download the Innobuildings Conference invitation and agenda

Click here to watch the TV coverage of the event

Click here to register to the event

• Climate change and energy efficiency
• Smart meters in energy efficiency
• Desgin Side Managment methodes for low-cost solutions
• Public behaviour and energy consumption
• Gamification

• Province of Treviso, Italy
• Energy Agency Vysočiny, Czech Republic
• University of Maribor, Slovenia
• City of Zagreb, Croatia
• Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités”, Poland
• Municipality of Paks, Hungary
• Municiplaity of 12th District of Budapest, Hungary
• Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Slovakia


Adress: MOM Cultural Center
1124 Budapest Csörsz utca 8.

By public transport:
• Tram 61 – Csörsz utca stop
• Tram 59 – Apor Vilmos tér stop
• Bus 110, 112, 212 – Sirály utca stop
• Bus 102, 105 – Apor Vilmos tér stop
• Bus 8, 40 – BAH csomópont stop
• Bus 139 – Tartsay Vilmos utca stop
• Mol BUBI – „Csörsz utca – MOM Kulturális Központ” station

By car (Think about the environment before getting into your car): 
• Budapest Congress Center parking, Jagelló út (400 HUF/hour)
• Larus Restaurant parking, Jagelló út (400 HUF/hour)
• MOM Park parking, Alkotás út (150 HUF/ 30 minutes)