Minutes: Project Coordination Team Meeting in Maribor
For this meeting in Maribor, the project team considered the need for further discussing and meeting before the start of the implementation of the test phase and of the training programme related to the INNO-WISEs' ICT platform. It was also useful to close the activities linked to the conception of a technological and knowledge management model and framework within this ICT platform, and share the results reached. The meeting was hosted by MONG, Slovenian partners, in collaboration with the Association of Social Economy Slovenia.

After a brief update on the administrative progress of the project, Barka Foundation, a potential new partner from Poland, were presented to all other project partners. Barka Foundation attended the two-day meeting and expressed their enthusiasm in joining the project. The potential future partner told us about their history, their way to operate in the context of social enterprises and networks in which they work.

Later in the day, partners in charge of thematic work packages (FPM, ITC, AG) showed the work done to date. The project partners tried to identify the goals to achieve through the ICT platform's management competences framework. They also tried to identify new opportunities, which can be enabled by the ICT platform for the WISEs.

Then project partners focused on the technical structure of the platform. In order to guarantee the highest accessibility, the methodical ning path and the massive open online course (MOOC) were discussed. The method is dynamic and incremental and needs to be embedded in a concrete path useful to create a MOOC for the project.

The INNO-WISEs' project partners want to provide an innovative and progressive path, through a set of tools and guided steps, that should help the WISEs to improve their sales and marketing skills.

Lastly, several selected WISEs from Italy, Croatia and Slovenia joined the partners during the meeting. The main goal was to discuss and exchange with the partners about their daily needs as WISE's manager. The project partners worked directly with them in order to consider the variables and parameters related to their internal process.
The meeting was held in Maribor, in Slovenia. Maribor is the European Capital of Social Economy 2018. In total, 45 social enterprises, cooperatives and WISEs operate in the city of Maribor. Therefore, it was significant to gather in this city in order to discover this model of administration, which promotes social economic initiatives. This meeting was the opportunity to organise a study visit focused on successful local enterprises. TKALKA guided the WISEs' managers present during our meeting so that they could meet few business activities in the city that have a strong social mark. Watch the report on this Study Visit :