15 members of Kielce core team attended on 1st training workshop held in Kielce, Poland. After introducing URBAN INNO project in general, mentoring partner Municipality of Maribor (MOM), consisted of representatives Tadej Kurent and Vesna Avguštinčič, presented EU funded projects which had an influence on establishing triple-helix initiative (i.e. projects: Upside, CentraLab) and Smart City Maribor initiative. The core team members were especially interested in one of the initiatives’ main results - ‘Let’s Improve Maribor’ interactive app.
Core team got useful advices and a guidance for setting up innovation network in Kielce, by Matjaz Gerl from E-zavod, regarding quadruple-cluster management, responsibility, and sustainability, as well as engagement and motivation of the cluster members.
Slovenian partners also motivated core team to work together on common application for EU funded programmes and create a common project proposals, which will answer to the needs/gaps of stakeholders’ organizations. Many examples of projects prepared by the Maribor cluster were given.
Kielce Technology Park URBAN INNO team together with e-Zavod and MOM agreed that the 2nd training will take place in September 2017.

Mentoring partners at 1st Kielce core team training