The second mentoring workshop for the core team of the region Hartberg/Pinkafeld took place at 20.-21. June 2017 at the site of the mentoring partner CyberForum in Karlsruhe.
After a welcome by the hosting URBAN INNO partner CyberForum, represented by Ralf Trunko, the workshop participants discussed structure and content of Basic Urban Innovation Roadmap and identified points do be developed further.
Based on the results of the first mentoring workshop, participants further discussed about vision and mission and summarized and prioritized goals of the innovation network. All goals have been prioritized using A-B-C categories and actions to achieve the respective goals have been assigned.
At the second half-day workshop, the participants discussed about service portfolio to be offered by the network to its members, structure and administration of network members, added values for stakeholders, organizational structure of the network, citizens participation as well as financing sources. The results of all discussions will be used by the mentoring partner CyberForum to update and enhance the strategy document for the set-up of the network.
A special agenda item at the second half-day of the mentoring workshop was the meeting between the core team members and the EnergieForum Karlsruhe. The EnergieForum Karlsruhe is a strong regional cluster initiative consisting of around 75 business enterprises and around 40 research and development facilities with a wide range of energy-related activities. It bundles the knowledge of more than 270 experts on the energy sector. The goal is to ensure the rapid transfer of competence and knowledge from research and development results to the companies of the Karlsruhe region in order to develop new products, services and markets. In addition, energy productivities are to be increased, which are to be developed jointly in the cluster initiative and implemented nationally and internationally. Ms. Andrea Bühler, technology transfer manager and also responsible for the management of the EnergieForum Karlsruhe, presented goals, projects and initiatives of the EnergieForum Karlsruhe and technology transfer activities of the City of Karlsruhe. The following discussion showed that there are many interesting connecting factors and possible cooperation opportunities between EnergieForum Karlsruhe and the core team members which will also contribute to the set-up of the network in the region Hartberg / Pinkafeld.

CyberForum representative Ralf Trunko with Hartberg/Pinkafeld core team members