2nd Project Meeting in Trento, Italy
Second Project Steering Comittee meeting of the URBAN INNO project was held in Trento, Italy, on the 5th and 6th of October 2016.
During the second project meeting a Virtual study visit “Citizen Engagement the perspective of EIP-SCC and ESPRESSO“ was organised, where representative of Trilogis srl, Ms Irene Facchin and Mr Mario Conci from Hub Innovazione Trentino presented the The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and communities network and their activities as well as the project ESPRESSO - A systEmic Standardisation apPRoach to Empower Smart citieS and cOmmunties.
During the meeting, at the Museum of science in Trento, a Cross-project meeting with Interreg CE Project FabLabNet was held, where possibilities of cooperation were discuseed.
Project partners agreed on the workplan of the activities that are following, defined steps to set up quadruple-helix clusters/networks that are going to be set up in 5 partners regions, discussed the activities that are going to be done by mentors and mentoring regions.