Project steering committee met for the 4th time in Karlsruhe, Germany, on May 15th-16th 2017, hosted by PP CyberForum e.V.
Annalisa Zuccotti (CyberForum) welcomed URBAN INNO consortium and opened the general assembly. In general, the progress of activities within Work Packages were discussed among all partners, and the further steps were set and defined.
In more details, first steps towards the establishment of the quadruple-helix clusters took place. All 5 core team agreements have been signed, and the first round of training workshops will be completed until the end of May 2017. The next round of trainings is planned latest by the end September 2017.
A first inventory of participatory methods was presented by E-zavod and will be further developed in a real toolbox by the end of the year. The inventory was used as basis for the mini-workshop that took place on the second day and aimed to matchmaking participatory methods within each pilots. With the active participation of all PPs, the methods have been distributed among the pilots accordingly to the needs.
Taking all planned activities into account, URBAN INNO partners will have a busy schedule for the second part of the year, and will gather for the 5th project meeting in Rijeka, Croatia, in October 2017.
4th PSC Meeting in Karlsruhe