Kielce Pilot: Startup Weekend in Kielce Technology Park
Kielce Technology Park (KTP) supports smart solutions for the cities. On the 8th-10th December 2017, KTP organized 3rd edition of Startup Weekend Kielce. The participants worked on solutions supporting the cities and their residents.
The aim of the event was to refine, verify ideas and to identify those with the greatest potential. The program was attended by more than 60 programmers, marketers, graphic designers, people with business experience, and city activists. Among the mentors, there were people with extensive experience in running a business, who shared their knowledge with the participants. The winning idea turned out to be ESCAR - a platform that associates car owners with people who would like to rent such a vehicle. Play Your City is an application that took the second place in competition: it is a personalized, intelligent city guide operated in the form of gamification. Third place went to an idea for a high school graduate calendar. All the winning solutions can be implemented in Kielce.
More information about the event:
Startup Weekend Kielce Facebook page

URBAN INNO @ Kielce Startup Weekend

URBAN INNO @ Kielce Startup Weekend